How to rebuild a Horizon POD in an easy way, uninstalling and reinstalling connection servers
Install MariaDB and secure it
Guide how-to install and secure MariaDB on Ubuntu Server
Generate wildcard certificate with Let’s Encrypt
Guide how to generate wildcard certificate with Let’s Encrypt using acme shell script, you don’t even need to open a port
Enable vTPM in vSphere
In this guide I’ll go through how you enable native key provider in vSphere so you can use vTPM TPM. Both on singel host and cluster
Update VMWare ESXi on single host (WebGUI)
How to update VMWare ESXi on single host with the WebUI
Backup TPM recovery key from ESXi host
It’s important to make sure that you have a backup of the TPM recovery key from your ESXi hosts, in this guide I’ll show you have to do that
Remove user profiles from Windows
Sometimes you need to remove user profiles from Windows, with this module you can do it in a easy way both from the local computer and from a remote computer.
Collect or delete VMs that are older then a specific time
Been writing a new function that will collect all VMs that are older than a specific time from a selected…
How to see if a VM have a pending image
This is a spin-off from the prevues post, but in the reddit thread one other user was struggling to get…
Relocate VM & keep assigned user
I was scrolling reddit the other night and start reading this post.User was searching after a easy way to change…